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Eksplore epi jwenn diskou yo fasil lè’w itilize filt sa yo
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Bon jan swen lasante ak kalite lavi
Endistri, inovasyon, enfrastrikti
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Fanm ak gason egalego
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Lapè, lajistis ak enstitisyon solid
Pa gen lamizè
Pwoteje lavi nan lanmè
Pwoteje lavi sou latè
Tèt kole pou reyalizasyon objectif devlopman toutbon
Travay nan diyite pou ekonomi an grandi
Vil ak kominote ki la pou lontan
Zewo «grangou»
Antite LONI yo
A: Across
AA: Action Aid
AA: Arcadia Associates
AAK: Agulhas Applied Knowledge
ACAA: Afghanistan and Central Asian Association
ACO: Alliance CIV
ACTED: Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development
ADAD: Auto-Development Africa
ADB: Asian Development Bank
AECD: Malawi Association for Early Childhood Development
AIEA: Ajans Entènasyonal Enèji Atomik
AIPR: Auschwitz Institute for the Prevention of Genocide and Mass Atrocities
AKF: Aga Khan Foundation
ANN: Associação dos Amigos da Natureza
APCTT: Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology
APDIM – UN ESCAP: Sant pou devlopman jesyon enfòmasyon sou dezas Azi ak Pasifik
Bank Mondyal: Bank Mondyal
BelAU: Republican Public Organization Belarusian Association of UNESCO Clubs
BHMCT: BiH Ministry of Communications and Transport
BINUH: Biwo Entegre Nasyonzini an Ayiti
BITC: Business in the Community
BORDA: Bremen Overseas Research & Development Association
C: Caritas
CII: Chemonics International Inc.
CMS: Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals
DAES LONI: Depatman Afè Ekonomik ak Sosyal Nasyonzini
DAPML LONI: Depatman Afè Politik ak Mentyen Lapè Nssyonzini
DPPA: Depatman Afè Politik ak Konsolidasyon Lapè Nasyonzini
EBRD: European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
ECAM: Employers Consultative Association of Malawi
EOG: Embassy of Germany
EOSB: Embassy of Sweden
EOUS: Embassy of United States
EU: European Union
F: FHI360
FAO: Òganizasyon Nasyonzini pour manje ak agrikilti
FIDA: Fon Entènasyonal pour Devlopman Agriòl
FMI: Fon Monetè Entènasyoal
FMI: Fon Monetè Entènasyoal
GAFSP: Global Agriculture and Food Security Program Fund
GEF: Global Environmental Facility
GEF SGP: Global Environmental Facility - Small Grants Programme
GIZ: German Technical Cooperation
HSI: Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation
ICRC: International Committee of the Red Cross
IEK: Inyon Entènasyonal Kominikasyon
IFRC: International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent
IIG: IntraHealth International
ILANUD: Enstiti Latino ameriken Nasyonzini pou prevansyon krim epi tretman delenkan
INOPWUD: International Network of People who Use Drugs
INSTRAW: International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women
IUCN: International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources
JCC: Joint Coordination Centre
JICA: Japan International Cooperation Agency
KEAEK: Komisyon Ekonomik Nasyonzini pou Amerik Latin ak Karayib
KEA LONI: Komisyon Ekonomik Nasyonzini pou Afrik
KEE LONI: Komisyon Ekonomik Nasyonzini pou Ewòp
KESAO LONI: Komisyon Ekonomik ak Sosyal Nasyonzini pou Azi Oksidantal
KESAP LONI: Komisyon Ekonomik ak sosyal nasyonzini pou Azi ak Pasifik
KNDKE: Komisyon Nasyonzini pou Dwa Komèsyal Entènasyonal
KNKD: Konferans Nasyonzini sou komès ak devlopman
KOICA: Korea International Cooperation Agency
LONI: Nasyonzini
LS: La Strada
LUANAR: Malawi Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources
MFA of Armenia: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia
MGIEP: Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development
Ministry of Environment of RA: Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Armenia
Ministry of ES of RA: Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Armenia
MINUJUSTH: United Nations Mission for Justice Support in Haiti
MINUSCA: United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission
MINUSMA: Misyon Miltidimansyonèl Entegre Nasyonzini pou estabilizasyon Mali
MINUSTAH: Misyon Nasyonzini pou estabillizasyon Ayiti
Misyon LONI: Misyon LONI
MNG MD: Mongolia Municipality of Danilovgrad
MoDGh: Ministry of Defence - Ghana
MoD of RA: Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Armenia
MoF: Ministry of Finance
MOFA: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
MoFARI: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration – Ghana
MOIGh: Ministry of Information - Ghana
MONUSCO: Misyon LONI pou estabilizasyon nan RD Kongo
MSF: Médecins Sans Frontières
MWI ACB: Malawi Anti-Corruption Bureau
NPA: Norwegian People's Aid
NRC: Norwegian Refugee Council
OCHA: Biwo Nasyonzini pour kowòdinasyon Afè Imanitè
OHCHR: Wo Komisarya Nasyonzini pou Dwa Moun
OIAC: Òganizasyon Entènasynal Avyasyon Sivil
OIM: ÒganizsyonEntènasyonal pou Migrasyon
OIT: Òganizasyon Entènasyonal Travay
OMI: Òganizasyon maritime Entènasyonal
OMM: Òganizasyon Metewolojik Mondyal
OMS: Òganizasyon Mondyal Lasante
OMT-ONU: Òganizasyon Mondyal Tourism LONI
ONIFANM: Antite Nasyonzini pou egallte ant sèks ak otonomizasyon fanm
ONU-Habitat: Pwogram Nasyonzini pour kote moun rete
ONUDI: Òganizasyon Nasyozini pou Devlopman Endistriyèl
ONUSIDA: Pwogram Konjwen Nasyonzini sou VIH/SIDA
OPS: Òganizzasyon Panamerikèn Laante
OSCE: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
OSESGY: Biwo Anvwaye Espesyal Sekretè Jeneral lanan Yemen
OSE Syria: Biwo Anvwaye Espesyal Sekretè Jeneral la pou Siri
PAHO: The Pan American Health Organization
PAM: Pwogram Alimantè Mondyal
PBF: Peace Building Fund
PNUD: Pwogram Nasyonzini pou Devlopman
PNUE: Pwogram Nasyonzini pou Anviwonman
RCO: Biwo Kowòdonatè Rezidan Nasyonsini a
RIA: Relief International
RRD LONI: Biwo Nasyonzini pou Redisksyon Risk Dezas
SDC: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
SE LONI: Sant enfòmasyon Nasyonzini
Sequa: Sequa
SIC: Sant Entènasyonal Komès
UN-OHRLLS: United Nations Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States
UNAKRT: Asistans Nasyonzini pou Pwosè Khmer Rouge yo
UNAMA: Misyon Asistans Nasyonzini nan Afganistan
UNAMI: Misyon Asistans LONI pou Irak
UNCCD: United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
UNCDF: Fon Ekipman Nasyonzini
UNDGC: Depatman Kominikasyon Mondyal Nasyonzini
UNDPI: United Nations Department of Public Information
UNDPO: Department of Peace Operations
UNDSS: Depatman Site ak Sekirite Nasyonzini
UN ECLAC: United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America
UN ESCAP-CSAM: United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific/Centre for Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization
UNESCO: Òganizasyon Nasyonzini pou Edikasyon, Syans ak Kilti
UNFCCC: United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
UNFPA: Fon Nasyonzini pou Popilasyon
UN Global Compact: United Nations Global Compact
UNHCR: Wo Komisarya Nasyonzini pou Refijye
UNICEF: Fon Nasyonzini pou Timoun
UNICRI: Enstiti Entèrejyonal Rechèch Nasyonzini sou krim ak jistis
UNICRI: UN Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute
UNIDIR: Enstiti Nasyonzini pou Rechèch sou dezamman
UNIFIL: United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon
UNIRMCT: Mekanis entènasyonal rezidyèl pou tribinal penal
UNITAD: United Nations Investigative Team to Promote Accountability for Crimes Committed by Da’esh/Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant
UNITAMS: UN Integrated Transition Assistance Mission in Sudan
UNITAR: Enstiti Nasyonzini pou Fòmasyon ak Rechèch
UNLIREC: Sant Rejyonal Nasyonzini pou Lapè, Dezamman ak Devlopman an Amerik Latin ak Karayib
UNMAS: Sèvis Lit kon Min Nasyonzini
UNMISS: United Nations Mission in South Sudan
UNOAU: Biwo Nasyonzini opre Inyon Afrikèn
UNOB: Biwo Nasyonzini nan Bèlgrad
UNOCA: Biwo Nasyonzini pou Afrik Santral
UNOCT: United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism
UNODA: United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs
UNODC: Biwo Nasyonzini kont dwòg ak Krim
UNOOSA: UN Office for Outer Space Affairs
UNOPS: Biwo Nasyonzini pou sèvis pwojè
UN PBSO: Biwo Nasyonzini pou Konsolidasyon Lapè
UNPRPD: The UN Partnership to Promote the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
UNRCCA: Sant Rejyonal Nasyonzini pou diplomasi prevantif pou Azi Santral
UNRCPD: United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Asia and the Pacific
UNREC: Sant Rejyonal Nasyonzini pou Lapè ak Dezamman an Afrik
UNRISD: Enstiti Rechèch Nasyonzini pou Devlopman Sosyal
UNRoD: United Nations Register of Damage Caused by the Construction of the Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory
UNRWA: Ajans Nasyonzini pou Sekou ak Travay pou Refijye Palestinyen nan Pwòch Oryan
UNSCN: United Nations System Standing Committee on Nutrition
UNSCO: The Office of the United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process
UNSCOL: Office of the United Nations Special Coordinator for Lebanon
UNSDSN: UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network
UNSMIL: United Nations Support Mission in Libya
UNSOM: Misyon Asistans LONI nan Somali
UNSOS: Misyon Sipò Nasyonzini pou Somali
UNSSC: Lekòl pou Kad Systèm Nasyonzini
UN Technology Bank: United Nations Technology Bank for Least Developed Countries
UNTIL: Laboratwa Nasyonzini pou Inovasyon Teknolojik
UNTSO: United Nations Truce Supervision Organization
UNU-INRA: Enstiti Wo Etid sou Resous Natirèl an Afrik Iniversite Nasyonzini
UNU-Macau: United Nations University Institute in Macau
UNU: Inivèsite Nasyonzini
UNU: United Nations University
UNV: Volontè Nasyonzini
UNVFD: United Nations Voluntary Fund on Disability
UNVFVT: United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture
UNVMC: United Nations Verification Mission in Colombia
UPEACE: Inivèsite pou Lapè
UPU: Inyon Postal Inivèsèl
USAID: United States Agency for International Development
WHH: Welthungerhilfe
WIPO: Òganizasyon Mondyal Pwopriyete Entelektyèl
WTO: World Trade Organisation
WWF: World Wild Fund
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8 mas 2022
Diskou Mesye Fernando Hiraldo, Kowòdonatè Rezidan Nasyonzini a.i