WFP Haiti Country Brief, May 2022

In Numbers
123 mt of food assistance distributed*
USD 1.2 m of cash-based transfers made*
USD 38.9 m six-months (June - November 2022) net funding requirements, representing 59% of total
USD 28 m for Emergency Response
74,310 people assisted* in May 2022
Operational Updates
• In May, WFP country office welcomed the new Country Director, Mr. Jean-Martin Bauer.
• WFP provided emergency assistance (food or cash) to 91,520 people (18,304 households) through the distribution of USD 2 million and 123 mt across five departments.
• WFP is currently partnering with a local nongovernmental organization (NGO) to provide hot meals twice a day to 500 internally displaced people, bringing the total number of hot meals distributed this month to 24,000. The hot meal emergency assistance will continue until midJune.
• The school feeding programme reached an estimated 358,000 schoolchildren in May, including 94,000 children supported through home-grown school feeding. WFP is also planning to distribute the remaining stock through take-home rations in schools, subject to donor approval. In addition, WFP is committed to ensuring the inclusion and consideration of themes such as school health and nutrition in the upcoming Transforming Education Summit in September.
• WFP is planning to launch the three-pronged approach (3PA), to strengthen the design, planning, and implementation of programmes in resilience building, safety nets, disaster risk reduction and preparedness. The 3PA plans to collect key technical information and needs to help inform upcoming projects in the Grand’Anse and Nippes departments for all resilience activities. Moreover, WFP is exploring the opportunity to involve academia as a key partner to conduct the roll-out and documentation of the process.
• In preparation for the hurricane season, WFP is in the process of signing 23 stand-by partnerships with 12 local and international NGOs across Haiti. These partnerships will be activated when a cyclone occurs to deliver hot meals, in-kind and cash response. WFP is also working on a rapid response strategy plan focused on internal displacements due to gang violence in Port-au-Prince.
• In May, the United Nations Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS) conducted 121 flights and transported 968 passengers and 2,648 kg of cargo for 97 registered organizations.
• The roll-on/roll-off vessel continues to operate a maritime route for the humanitarian community. A maritime route to the north of the country was opened due to increased insecurity in the northern neighbourhoods of the Port-au-Prince metropolitan area, restricting access by road. Since its first operation in April, the vessel undertook 22 voyages, and transported 167 trucks for 11 organizations.